
Who is Looking at My Facebook Profile | How To Find Out Who Visited Your Facebook Account

Who's Looking at My Facebook Profile | How To Find Out Who Visited Your Facebook Account: Everyone is curious to know who visited their Facebook profile. Be it a girl or a boy, they tend to have an etching desire to find out who visited their Facebook profile as they are filled with these common questions- “Whether my crush checks my profile?” , “Who views my pics?”, “Which girl/Boy always views my profile?” and so on.

Its natural, but i have seen many people getting tricked by 3rd party software that doesn’t provide appropriate results but just spams on their Facebook Wall’s, so here’s a wonderful trick that’ll help you find who views your profile the most!

Who's Looking at My Facebook Profile | How To Find Out Who Visited Your Facebook Account

How Can I track down who visited my Facebook profile?

Its easy to do. Just follow these steps and you’ll succeed in finding out who visited your Facebook Profile!

  • Go To Your Facebook timeline- facebook.com/xyz
  • Right click on your timeline and hit “View page Source”.
  • Now, you’ll be redirected to a new page with lots codes.
  • Hold CTRL+F on your keyboard, a text box appears at the right corner, in that box, type- “InitialChatFriendsList” (Don’t include Quotes)
  • Next to that word, you’ll see a list of numbers, these are the profile ID’s of people who visit your timeline.

Just go to “facebook.com” and paste the ID number beside it with a “\” . For example, if the ID is abcd, you have to put it as- facebook.com/abcd.

The first ID shows the one who visits profile more often while the last ID never visits your profile!

Please kindly share this guide with others. Thank You!!!

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  1. Who's Looking at My Facebook Profile | How To Find Out Who Visited Your Facebook Account


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